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LinkedIn jQuery

Exam Type: LinkedIn Skill Test
Last Update October, 2024

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Exam Detail

jQuery linkedin Quiz

what is the main difference between selectors and filters?

  •  Selectors are used to refine the content that filters have been applied to.
  •  Selectors are used to find and select content in a page. Filters are used to refine the results of selectors. 
  •  Filters are used to remove content from the page. Selectors are used to add content to the page
  •  There is no real difference. They are both used to build up lists of page content.

linkedin jQuery assessment

You want to create a custom right-click menu. How might you start the code?

  •  $('#canvas').on('click.right', function(){ console.log('Handled a right-click') });
  •  $('#canvas').on('contextual', function(){ console.log('Handled a right-click') });
  •  $('#canvas').on('contextmenu', function(){ console.log('Handled a right-click') });
  •  $('#canvas').on('rightclick', function(){ console.log('Handled a right-click') });

linkedin jQuery Quiz answers

What is the correct way to check how many paragraphs exist on a page using jQuery?

  •  $('p').count()
  •  $('p').length 
  •  $('*').find('p')
  •  $('p').length()

 linkedin learning jQuery

What does $() mean in jQuery?

  • It is a shorter way to write document.getElementById().
  • It is an alias to the main core method of jQuery itself—the same as writing jQuery().
  • It is a utility function that selects the first element from the document.
  • It is a utility function that selects the last element from the document.

jQuery linkedin assessment

What is the difference between the two lines that follow the HTML snippet below?

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
  • Item 4




  • .get() retrieves a DOM element and is 0-indexed. .eq() retrieves a jQuery object and is 1-indexed.
  • .get() retrieves a jQuery object and can be chained. .eq() retrieves a DOM element and cannot be chained.
  • .get() retrieves a DOM element and cannot be chained. .eq() retrieves a jQuery object and can be chained.
  • .get() retrieves a jQuery object and is 0-indexed. .eq() retrieves a DOM element and is 1-indexed.

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